Thursday, June 17, 2010

Zen and the Art of Running With Dogs

Something magical happens when I run with dogs.
I don't so much consider it running, as "dancing while connected by a leash".
This is because, when I am running with a dog, we are two living bodies - doing what bodies love and need to do most. We are getting healthier and happier, while getting fresh air and exercise; inhaling the scents of tropical flowers and saltwater; watching the sunset over the endless Pacific. Feeling so alive, and blessed to have the ability and strength in our bodies to propel ourselves forward: fast! Because we are two animals, connected by our breaths and footfalls and heartbeats, there is a disintegration of the great divide between minds, what we call Ego. It is usually what separates the primal mind from the intellectual mind, whether between a human and animal, or a human and Self. When a dog and I are running together, that struggle ceases to exist. The emergent property of our two, individual beings forms one Higher Mind, then shared by both. What results from the connection between a human and a dog, is something greater than the sum of its parts.

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