Doggy Diaries

07.24.11/ Kaiolu

Kaiolu is my newest Buddy. He's still a puppy, which you wouldn't know from his size; but can tell when watching him. He's precious, and a really smart and good boy. His favorite activities include swimming, chasing shadows, eating chicken treats, digging in the sand, and opening the dog water jug in the backseat of my car and helping himself to a few sips. No kidding - he did this twice! Such a smart guy! We've had a super fun weekend, playing on the beach! And over the next couple of days, I'm going to try him out jogging.

Irie/ 06.21.11

Irie is definitely a case fit for the Dog Whisperer. she is completely terrified (of everything and anything) while walking on the leash. I wish I could say that, over the last four days that I've been consciously working to help her overcome her fears, she has improved remarkably. That, however, is not the case. In fact, she seems to get worse every day, with every walk. I am so frustrated by this, and baffled. I want so badly to be the calm, assertive leader to guide her into a stronger, more confident state of mind and being. As I walk with her, I run through everything I imagine Cesar would say and do. But Irie's reactions to my efforts contradict everything I try.

Nothing has seemed to work...except one thing. That is RUNNiNG.
This makes perfect sense to me, because (in my own experience) running is literally an INSTANT cure for any self-depricating thoughts or feelings. Self doubt and negative self talk are no match for the rush of strength-producing, confidence-boosting endorphins that flood a runner in her stride. The depression of a whole day will lift automatically, as soon as one speeds up into "the zone". The fact that these positive feelings, and high self-concept, emerge when running; because one is actually BECOMING PHYSICALLY STRONGER with every breath, every muscle contraction, every foot forward, every calorie burned, every pump of a happily-working heart.

Whether dogs have the same type of self awareness that we do, (which I do not believe to be the case), I believe the same effect must take hold of them when they run. In fact, what WE (humans) are doing when we are running, is shedding the weight of an overly analytical psyche, and stepping into the more primal manifestation of ourselves. When we run, we are getting closer to our nature. We feel great because we temporarily escape the conflict that naturally tends to bind a person's thinking mind. When dogs DON'T (get the opportunity to) run on a regular basis, they suffer a disconnect from their truest selves as well. This is why, to deprive our dogs OR ourselves from the benefits of RUNNiNG, we are not allowing ourselves or them to reach maximum health and happiness potential.

At any rate, when walking with Irie, she is distracted by every noise, frightened by any movement, completely insecure in her own skin. But the instant we begin to gallop, I see her moving forward with her tail OUT from between her legs. True, it is not a cure-all. But it is a practice that - if routinely provided - will help build Irie's confidence. It will help her focus, is a working (ACTiVE) meditation for the animal soul, will keep her fit and healthy, will sufficiently process and drain her energy, and will make her a happier dog. Exercise may not be everything. But - as Cesar would tell us - it is literally HALF the battle (in his 50% exercise, 25% discipline, 25% affection trifecta).

Maka & Atticus/ 06.19.11

Irie/ 06.19.11

Irie did really great on her walks today. Since she hurt her foot a few days ago (while we were running)...and in the process amped up her anxiety level to maximum...We've been taking it very slow; and building up to longer walks, and now even walk/jogs.

Irie's world consists of her home, her backyard, her fellow canine pack members, her neighborhood, and the great wide world beyond those boundaries. She is very comfortable in her home, with her pack and her family. She trots around her backyard with her tail held high. But navigating the outside world has become a very uncomfortable and fearful experience for Irie.

So I am attempting to help her, as Cesar would say, by "mastering the  walk" with her. I must provide her with a sense of safety and security, while carefully refraining from coddling her - which would only reinforce her insecurities. I must make a conscious effort, in every moment, to maintain BALANCE. This way, when confronted with all the distractions that exist in a noisy, moving, living  environment - where dogs are barking, people in their front yards, cars whizzing by, Kua stopping to sniff, overwhelming smells, etc. - I can be one source of stability that Irie can always count on being consistent.

Cesar Millan makes "dog whispering" look like a piece of cake. And for him, it indeed does come naturally. But I guarantee, that behind his calm, assertive demeanor, he works CONSCIOUSLY, inside every moment, to maintain balance on that tight rope. He is a master at controlling his own energy - keeping physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies operational as one, balanced whole. I believe that - while it is not easy to do what he does - WE ALL have the opportunity to work at it. Every single time we walk a dog, the chance to practice our tight rope skills presents itself.

When CONSCIOUSLY walking a dog - in this case, Irie - the real work is in resisting my own primal reactions to the world; and instead, be aware of the energy I am extending and act with the intention to put out only the strongest energy within me. In the physical act of the walk, this translates to standing tall with good posture, being as fit, conditioned and strong as possible, and keeping my arms loose as I hold onto Irie (and Kua's) leashes. Remaining consistent with our physical positioning, I keep Irie on my left side and Kua on my right.

Atticus & Maka/ 06.18.11

The H. Gang/ 06.17.11

Poki and I RAN today! I love running with Poki. He's short and chubby, not the type of character you'd expect to be a super-fast runner. But he is, and he loves it! We jog for the majority of our (approximately 1 mile) route. Off the bat, this helps him deal with the Halti/Gentle lead that typically bugs him so much. I find that, when dogs (or I, for that matter) run, our attention is automatically engaged more in the sensation of our ACTiViTY than anything else. More than an itchy harness, or every tree, bush and patch of grass along the way. Plus, if I am running, and giving Poki the opportunity to run out his energy, there's no reason for him to be pulling on the lead. We're both just GOING. FORWARD. FAST. And it feels awesome to both of us!

ATTiCUS & MAKA/ 06.16.11

ATTiCUS & MAKA/ 06.15.11

ATTiCUS & MAKA/ 06.14.11

The boys and I had a great first day walk today!
Atticus is the "big guy"; Maka is his son. Though we can't so much call Maka a "little guy", at 7 months old, he's just about caught up to his Daddy. For those who follow my posts, and therefore are familiar with my sweet girls, Lilikoi Rose and her puppy, Cleo...Atticus is the sire of both Maka and Cleo. I LOVE that I get to spend time with the whole precious family! XOXO


EMMA/ 06.06.11

I was so happy to see that Emma's leg seemed to be feeling better today; definitely better than on Saturday! She was super excited to get up to the trail and run out some pent up energy, as was I! We hiked the upper trail, still taking it easy, but working up a bit of a sweat. And thoroughly enjoying the humidity and thick fog. I only wish that I could "post" the wonderful smells and sounds we enjoyed, along with the visual aesthetics of the environment. The birds were a harmonious chorus; and the richness of damp soil and rain-drenched foliage was a delight to the senses. For both Emma and me, today's MOVEMENT was a major relief at the end of a day full of sitting! Plus, it's always refreshing to run with Emma. She's such a consistent fitness partner, always right near me on the trail...unlike "Someone" I know (Ripley!) :)


Ripley's Training...Coming Right Along

10-31-10 * Jo Jo and Wiz's Day at the Beach

Jo Jo met some new friends!


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Emma. October 12th, 2010 * Our last day together

I have so enjoyed my time with Emma. We've both become happily accustomed to our awesome, late afternoon walks on the beautiful Kaloko trails. It's so quiet up there, foggy and misty and cool. The air is so fresh, and feels incredible saturating the hard working lungs. Not to mention that Emma is the best running partner a girl could ask for! May and Steve - Welcome home, and thank you for letting me hang out with your precious Love Dog while you were away!

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Emma. October 8th, 2010 * Day 3

So, Emma and I went to "the other" Kaloko trail today, just for a change of scenery. I call it the other because I've only ever been on two, and don't know the name of either. At any rate, today, instead of running on the flatter trail we hiked up the path with more incline. I hiked barefooted today...trying to beef up my callouses again. Very unfortunately, I realized when we got out of the car that (a) my ipod battery was dead, so I couldn't use it for video; and (b) my new little 'rugged' point and shoot was without its battery, as I had left it charging at home. So, no photos or videos from today.

But what I really wanted to note was just that today was wonderful. Emma and I have definitely found our rhythm, we've bonded, we know each other now. And we've got our little every-other-day routine running smoothly. My favorite thing is that she now knows the sound of my car; and when I arrive to pick her up for our walks, she runs up to the window doing that precious "snarl-smile" that I so love when dogs do.

Emma is such a good girl, and I am very happy to be able to get her out for some crisp, fog-filled fresh air, and good, invigorating exercise.

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                            Emma. October 6th, 2010 * Day 2

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Emma * October 4th, 2010 * Day 1

Aloha May and Steve!

Welcome to Emma's Doggy Diary! Here, I will feed your Emma cravings, and keep you updated on all the fun we're having! P.S. Steve - I really enjoyed spending some time with your Mom today. She is a lovely woman, and I was honored to have her show me some of her paintings. If she "does" the internet, please pass along this link so that she can see Emma's photos and stories too. Thanks!

PIKO And KILI * September 8th, 2010 * Day 1

Well, it's September 8th, 2010. Toby and Renee left last night for their sojourn across the Earth, to attend Toby's brother Teddy, and his fiance Amy's wedding in Ireland. The weather there is supposed to be about 65, Renee told me. And drizzly. I must say I'm a little envious. While I'm not a fan of extreme cold weather, I do long for the changing of seasons once in a while.

At any rate, here we are - Piko, Kili, Moku, Nui and I - holding down the fort at the Hoogs Estate.
As always happens as soon as I "move in", the animals and I settle into our little routine. We do our thing, hanging around the house, each of us going about our daily chores and activities. I work at the computer. Piko lounges in Toby's sock drawer. The cats merrily torture geckos outside the back door, making sure I have a good view of their prowess and daunting masculinity. Kili sleeps on the living room floor. And snores louder than a chainsaw in a blender being run over by a lawnmower...

I love it. I love being here with them. It feels good, and brings me joy. Plus it is an awesome opportunity for me - as a "surrogate" family member - to get to practice my calm, assertive leadership. They help me find the Dog Whisperer in me, and I love them for that. In other words, connecting with them makes me a better person.

That being said, what I am committing to them - and to you - is this:
I'm going to really work with Piko, help him ease into using his bad knee. I'm going to keep up with the swimming at Dick's; and just try and see to it that he uses it, slowly but surely. Besides what you will see in the videos here, I also held him from under his armpits, facing me, and tried to put just the slightest pressure on his leg as it touched the carpet. NOTHING EXTREME, of course! We're just eeeaasing into more and more movement. But I think that's how it's going to work, a little at a time. It'll take practice andrehab, because he hasn't used the leg in so long. He's got some hard work to do. But I think now - during these two weeks I get to spend with them - it will be great for some focused rehab. And of course, tons of encouragement, TLC, belly rubs, hugs and kisses, treats, and LOVE!

Also, I am going to make sure that Kili is sufficiently exercised - every single day. I so much love that she loves to run. Because I do too. The love of running is a particular, special kind. And it is a kind of love Kili and I share. I love looking down at her while we're in motion. Her tongue hangs out the side of her mouth, and she gallops along like a scurrying muppet baby at my side. Actually, she's quite graceful as a runner. When I get in "the zone", it is not like running alone; in that the "zone" is a space we both share. It's a good feeling, empowering and uplifting! We love the wind in our hair and on our faces. The feeling of our muscles working hard. The challenge of the climb up Mt. Hookaana.

I'm going to take Kili to the summit, just about every day. We may throw in a day of rest here and there, because we will both need it. But you watch - she and I are both going to be back in running shape when you guys get home!

OKAY - So, I filmed a little VIDEO DIARY (with my awesome new ipod nano HD!). I figure I'll keep this updated, as many days as possible, though probably not every single day. But hopefully you'll have something new to check out each time you make it to a wifi spot during your travels. FYI: You'd better feel VERY lucky I am posting these for you; because when I hear my own recorded voice it makes me want to never speak again. But just for you, I'll just suck it up and do it.

I hope you're having a wonderful time! We all love and miss you here at home! We're having our special time together, and it is the best!


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