Friday, March 12, 2010

Lili's First Day

This past week, I had the great pleasure of getting to know a lovely 2 year old boxer, named Lili. She and I had met only once, briefly. But, because of my insatiable boxer habit, I knew I wanted to spend some more time with her.

Lili's People, K. & J., let me know that she'd be in the yard alone for a few hours in the middle of the day, mid-week, and said I'd be welcome to take her out if I wanted. So on Wednesday, I happily picked her up, grabbed her leash, and off we went to see how we would work out as a walking team.

We walked for only a short time before I realized...that Lili is a DREAM DOG! She is extremely well-behaved on her leash, without much guidance or redirection at all! She's quite amazing, really. I imagined - and came to find out later from K. - that she has in fact had some in-depth behavioral training, (at Paws University, I believe). K. has worked relentlessly with her since she was a small, rambunctious puppy, and it has certainly paid off! I also believe that the GENTLE LEAD K. uses with Lili has a great deal to do with how well she does on the leash. I've walked many dogs, and used many types of leashes, leads and harnesses. I think I am a firm believer now in the gentle lead, which works just like a horse bridle. It fits over the dog's muzzle, and the leash attaches underneath the 'chin'. As it is uncomfortable for horses to pull with their faces, and the natural direction the lead 'goes' controls where they - the horses - go, the same goes for dogs using the gentle lead.

Because Lili and I bonded instantly, and were "vibing" with one another so well, I decided to try her out jogging. Boxers have tons of energy, and are very lean and muscular dogs. So I figured she would like running, though I didn't know if she was a regular running dog. But, as expected, she did wonderfully! She ran right by my side, at my exact pace, all the way from Magic Sands to Kahalu'u! That's about a mile and a half one way!

We rested at the church, then cooled down in the ocean. How lucky we are, and what a beautiful day it was!

After our little break, we got busy again, and jogged all the way back home. There, we both enjoyed lots of cold water. And Lili seemed to especially enjoy the mini-massage I gave her, as evidenced in her one back leg, kicking and bicycling involuntarily, while I rubbed her belly, scratched her chest and back, and massaged her cute little (floppy) boxer ears.

Whoever says dogs don't smile...Well, they're just plain wrong!

Thanks for the fun day, Lili! I can't wait til next week. And don't worry, J., I promise to hose her down this time both before and after our workout! That is a great idea, and I know she'll appreciate it!

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