Wednesday, September 23, 2009

T. & M.: 9.23.09

Hey K.,

Our visit went great today. We enjoyed our walk in the chilly drizzle. No really, I know I complain a lot about the "cold". But when you're walking dogs around a nice neighborhood, listening to music, getting your heart rate feels pretty darn good :)

It is SO FUNNY how T. is so very particular about where he does his "business". To him, it seems to be very serious business! Hilarious.

We encountered one other dog today, right there on your corner, and it was pretty interesting. It was a (totally precious) 3 and a half month old golden retriever named Maggie (xoxo! so cute!). She was totally waiting across the street, as if she really wanted to meet your dogs. When we got within her proximity, T. pulled on the leash, but it seemed more like he wanted to PLAY almost! The puppy sure did! So I (cautiously) let him sniff her, and they did that for a minute or two. M. was also interested, but kind of growling under her breath, so I kept her at a distance. After a bit, T. did kind of growl and snap, so off we went.

But all in all, it was a good day. They scarfed down their dinner, drank some fresh H2O, and then we played some tug-of-war with their chewed up friend, Mr. Fox.

Hope you had a great day and are enjoying a cozy evening in with your buddies :)


Saturday, September 12, 2009

September 11th and 12th with Tank and Milla


Hey K.,

Well, how thankful I am to have a couple of my favorite dog friends to hang out with on such a somber anniversary. We're being sure to enjoy life in every moment, especially when we're out on our fun walks in the neighborhood. Breathing deeply, looking at the flower garden on Speer and 5th, marveling at the bizarre, late-summer Colorado weather, and enjoying the quiet and dark of the late evening. Wednesday, when it rained, hailed

Tank, Milla and I walked twice today, once around 4PM and then again at about 8:30PM. With regard to the issue they were having with other dogs on leashes...I saw today that if I just kept all three of us focused on the walking itself, leaving long sniffing sessions and sideline wanderings to a minimum, it helped a lot! Like we've talked about, I try to think about our gorgeous hero, Cesar Millan, and "not anticipate" any problems approaching. Instead, I just walk fast, even kind of "rhythmically" if I can - which I sure could tonight because I was listening to Michael Jackson in my headphones ;). That seemed to just keep us moving forward, regardless of what other 'distractions' might've been in our environment.

Anyway, they're such good dogs! I'm really happy to get this time with them. Right now, it's Friday night about 10:30PM. I'm actually watching the Dog Whisperer...(it's a REALLY cool episode about an advertising agency that not only allows but encourages its employees to bring their dogs to work...Cesar is helping them work out some of the dogs individual issues. Anyway, tank is snoring away at my feet. And Milla is crashed out in the bedroom. Also - I have to admit...I couldn't resist baking the rest of those cinnamon sugar cookies in the fridge! I'm sorry! I will replace your stock. But OH MAN, those are dangerous!!! I made six cookies and have already eaten half of them! Yikes, they're too good.

So...we're having a good time. Hope you are too!

Liz, Tank and Milla

* * *


Hey K.,

I thought blogging could be a fun way for you to be able to check in and see what the dogs and I have been up to!

We've been kicking "tail" on our walks! With reference to the "issue" T. & M. have been having while crossing paths with other dogs in the neighborhood, I've been repeating our gorgeous hero, Cesar Millan's, mantras over and over again. One point of his I always refer back to is about keeping the dogs' focus solely on the walking itself. I remember him saying that, in a wild dog pack, if all the dogs stopped to sniff every tree, they would never get anywhere or get anything accomplished. So I've been trying to implement the goal of keeping them as focused as possible for a stretch, then interspersing nice, long sniffs. It seems the sniffing and joyously pawing their environment almost becomes a reward for staying "on task" the rest of the time.

The other biggie, of course, is Cesar's guidance regarding "not anticipating" problems before they actually arise. This is such a tricky one! Because of course the problems have arisen many times in the past, it is very difficult to put the anticipation out of your mind. But I am finding that, even more important than putting the thoughts of anticipation out of my head, I have to actually shift how I allow my energy to manifest itself. Instead of just thinking about what I needed to do, I recognized that if my pure, real energy didn't communicate that strong, assertive, no-nonsense confidence that we so admire in Cesar, the exercise wouldn't mean a thing!

Anyway, today we had a chance to test out our progress. We were walking up Emerson from the park with the flower garden, and up ahead was a man and his collie. Sure enough, they were headed our way. The last several times this has been the case, the mere potential for a bad encounter (and anticipating it happening inevitably), caused me to cross the street or alter our route. I had been simply trying to avoid the situation, rather than face it head on.

So today, though I wanted to cross the street and almost did so instinctually, instead we just charged ahead, walking quickly in our rhythm, toward the NON-situation with the man and his dog. As we approached, the collie (sensing T. & M.s energy) reared up fearfully and the man had a hard time restraining it, while both T. & M. began reacting to that dog's energy and attempted to lunge at it. But even as they attempted it, I gave it no attention. I just kept walking, pulling them firmly and steadily with me until they forgot about the other dog and fell back into to the rhythm. So, although they tried to "do their thing", I feel they were thwarted by the focus we had been practicing... it came through and deterred their anxious or aggressive behavior.

The best thing is that T. & M. are such awesome, good dogs! They simply have this one bad habit to break. But you've done such an awesome job training them and being their stable pack leader :) They are so sweet, and I am loving this time with them. We've been doing lots of snuggling, especially considering it was in the FIFTIES today in Denver! Brrrrrr! It has totally felt like fall all day long. Neither dog slept on the bed with me, though. They each curled up in their own beds at the side and foot of the bed., and snored themselves peacefully into slumber :)

I hope you and C. are having a great time too! The dogs miss and love you, and we'll talk again soon.
