Friday, September 17, 2010

Almost Baffled by the Sweetness

I just had one of THE sweetest ten minutes of my life. No, really.
This was an example of how a "simple" thing can fill your heart so full of Love, it's amazing to know its walls are stretchy enough to accommodate the expansion!

I let Piko and Kili out for "last potty" just now. It feels like a dream outside. It's almost midnight, but still about 75 degrees, with a light breeze.And a decently strong rain is making the air smell heavenly, like all the plant life it's feeding. The sweetness of the perfumed, dense air was intoxicating.

I picked up both dogs, and we all laid back onto the sleeping bag laying inside the hammock. We were in it width-wise, not length-wise. I was on the left, Kili was on the right, and Piko - who I wasn't sure would be into this idea at all - snuggled right up against me in the middle. Kili put her right arm around Piko, spooning him. And Piko nestled his head into the space between my chin and right shoulder.

I swung us with my foot; and the cool breeze whooshed over us to the pendulum rhythm of the hammock swinging, back and forth, back and forth. It rocked us, so very gently.  All three of us ingested the immense beauty, sensory deliciousness, peace, divinity and comfort offered by the night. Kili had her head up, but was calm; almost meditative.  We took in the wonderful air, and we were dotted by the stray raindrops flying in from under the lanai covering. Piko was completely and utterly relaxed. His eyes were open, but barely. His little hind legs were stretched out, his feet crossed. He was on his side, facing me.

There we were, the three of us just being together. I was overcome with love for these dogs. They may not be mine. But my life sure would be less Sweet without them in it. I wouldn't even want to imagine it.

Ironically, it was the one time today that I didn't have my camera, or my phone or ipod. It simply wasn't meant to be recorded...except here in these words. It was so sweet though, it was pretty much indescribable.

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